Hudson celebrated turning 6 months old on Monday (the 12th) by a trip to the doctor where he stripped naked, laid on a cold metal balance and weighed, poked and prodded with various instruments in the chests/ear/mouth/etc then given 4 shots (two in each thigh) and one oral immunization. It was quite a traumatic morning for the little guy but exciting for me to find out that he is 17 lbs 2 ozs (80%) and 27 1/2" long (40%). He is long and lean.
To commemorate this occasion, here are a few pics of Hudson over the past 6 months, amazing how quickly they grow!
Only 16 days old...this picture was taken on our first road trip together the day we picked up our son from Missoula...
17 days old - we were still in shock that we now had a child and at how beautiful and perfect he was! The blanket he is cuddled up in was a gift to him from his birthmom.
One month old...already showing off his big blue eyes and cute little flipped out ears...
Two months old...he was smiling 24/7 by this point in time, we had made it through the first several weeks of total fussiness, whew!
Three months old...gotta love those ears! He was holding his head up pretty well by 3 months old...
Four months old...starting to interact with us and smiling when we smiled...
Five months old...holding his own bottle and eating solid foods!
He's still not sure what he thinks of avocado...(usually spits it back out unless I mix it with banana - he'll pretty much eat anything if I first mix it with banana. Thankfully the sweet potatoes are sweet enough that he loves those all on their own)...
You have to look really close to see it (pretty much need a magnifying glass) but there is the beginning of a little tooth that has poked through his gums!
Well, there's your glimpse at his first 6 months of life. I am excited to see what the next 6 months have to hold for our little boy!