Monday, September 28, 2009

Live Action from Hi Def...

The beginnings of a trumpet player (plus a lovely belch mixed in if you listen closely!)

More trumpet practice...


"I was worth the wait"

Thank you to some friends (who are also in the process of adoption and know exactly how we feel!) who got Hudson this great onesie that sums up our entire experience, both the highs and the lows, over the past four years in just a few short words, "I was worth the wait". Amen!

Another new milestone in the little guys life - he found his feet!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New favorite sleeping position

All of a sudden one morning I went in to get him up from his nap and this is how I found him - amazing how quickly they learn new things! Now, every time we put him down he immediately flips over on his tummy and falls fast asleep.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Rice cereal

Although he had been eyeing our food for several weeks prior, we didn't start Hudson on solid foods until the beginning of September - and boy was he chomping at the bit to take his first bites. Unfortunately, after the first few bites you can tell that he was not all at impressed with the taste of food...

However, once I added some banana to the cereal and coaxed him to try a few more bites, he quickly decided that this stuff was goooood and we couldn't feed it to him fast enough!

By the end, he was very sad when it was all gone.

First Trip to Yellowstone

We'll be going back in time a few weeks to catch you up on what's new with Hudson. On August 24th we took him on his first trip to Yellowstone National Park. Here are a few pics from our little outing.

Hudson was watching daddy fish in the Yellowstone River...

...and enjoyed eating the flowers.

Walking the trail to the Grand Prismatic pool.

Joining the Wide World of Blogging

We are finally setting up a blog to bring you regular updates of all the changes in our new little family! Hope you enjoy the photos and videos of Hudson as he grows up. Now I just need to figure out how to upload photos and we'll be up and rolling!