One of the few traditions in the Duschene household is to go chop down a Christmas tree the first weekend after Thanksgiving. We were really excited to get to take Hudson out for his first hunt for a tree. We headed out the front door and up Little Bear Canyon on a beautiful Saturday morning with our friends Mike and Anna Miller and our dogs, Sam, Charlie and Solomon.
Getting ready to go, clearly we need a few more layers of clothes before we can head out!
30 minutes later and he's ready to go play in the snow!
Look closely and you can see his two teeth, they are getting so big and thankfully less sharp!

All suited up and ready to go hunt down a tree!

Gotta love those big blue eyes :)

Doug and Charlie have found our special tree

The only thing Doug successully hunted down and tagged this year. Good job honey!

Kaitlin, Hudson and Anna with our tree.

Mike and Anna and their Christmas tree.

Hudson in front of his first Christmas tree! We dug out a hole in the snow just to try to enable him to sit up, good thing Doug snapped the shot quickly becuase he didn't last for very long sitting up...

I'm sure all the clothing has nothing to do with his inability to bend in half.

The dogs had such a great time in the woods though they weren't too excited about being bunched in the back of the truck with the two trees. Good thing it was a short ride home.

Now we are all decked out and ready for Christmas!!